Monday, April 23, 2007

Lions sleep 20 hours a day
only eat every 2-3 days
they eat 64 pounds of meat.. when they do eat...
reminds me of tyrone..

eat 165 pounds of grass and plants.. a DAY!!!

Elephants.. eat 20 hours a day

ok i don't know if that part is true...
about the elephants..
but.. the rest is

how amazing

I wish I was a lion..
minus the meat part.. but.. i suppose i wouldn't care about being a vegetarian then.. because.. meat wouldn't hurt my stomach.. it would make me happy..

Monday, April 16, 2007

steinbeck-i love his books...

"people are not crazy, they are simply ones that God has not finished." Steinbeck

I love this quote... it paints a beautiful picture! Usually the ones that society demeans and consider crazy are the most talented. THey paint elaborate stories on canvas, and draw the best of pictures on paper. they write the novels that you can't seem to take your eyes off of and many more great things!

and another great one

"After the bare requistites of living and reproducing, man wants most to leave some record of himself, a proof, perhaps that he really extists. He leaves his proof on wood, on stone or on the lives of other people." steinbeck

I believe this desire lives deep and exists in does in me... why else would i try and write the best song, the catchiest tune.. and do retarded things... haha.. I want to be remembered.. I want to leave my mark on people...
Praise Jesus.. He left his mark on me... and His saving grace rescued me from myself! He left his mark on wood, and stone.. and in hearts or sooo many people.. i love him.. woot

Thursday, April 12, 2007

ha, in the world..

so.. this is exciting eh?

I keep thinking about

the fourth of July... I want to shoot fireworks.. off... yea yea!
I keep thinking about my home.. Cadillac.. Michigan
what a cool name for a town, Cadillac... what like the car?
no.. idiot... not the car.. its just a town name.. relax....
uhh i want to tell you facts about my little cute town
it has a ... nine mile radius.... it is 2/3 water... (we have two manmade lakes.. how cute!)
IT has a canal that refuses to freeze in the blistering winter, because the warm water from the lakes push into the canal when they freeze... this canal is in the book of world records...
we have one drive through coffee shop.. which my mom runs.. (shes hott)
my town, Cadillac... has the highest teen pregnancy rate for any county in all of MICHIGAN
we also have the highest drug abuse in our public school than any other county in Michigan

haha.. those last two.. are real
I love Cadillac.. I am excited to go home, I want to be there now....I am proud of my town.. minus... the girls who pop out babies.. and the white trashy stoners
oh i forgot one... we have a lot of.. little flies.. that fly around your head...(which you can find anywhere im sure)... BUT.. if you put your hands up and clasp them together over your head.. they will leave your face around and fly around your hands.. because.. they like the highest point of your body.. so.. throw your hands up.. woop woop