Monday, July 28, 2008

wedding things..

These are a few of  the weddings things i've been able to check off the list slowly :)

These picture frames are going to be the wedding arch... except not... they are goig to be a background put together..... its going to be so cute!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Tyson and I are getting married in less than three weeks!!! It is flying by. I am so so excited, sometimes i start to feel a bit overwhelmed because every time i check something off on my list, it just means that i have to add another things onto it.. haha! but, i suppose that is life:) And i am enjoying every minute of this preparation! 
We are so so excited for family to get here!! I think that is what is most exciting, having both of our families together at once! we get to meet our new baby niece also. 
I had a bridal shower yesterday that my mom threw for me, it was nice:) I got some cute things! Anyways, today dad is taking us out on the boat before he sells it tomorrow!! :)
thats all i have to report for now! love you! ( pro, because i think you are the only one that ever reads these haha)

Friday, July 4, 2008

our new home to be!

Ty and i are in orlando- we met up with my good good friend tiffany- saw the fire works and they were fricken saweet!
tomorrow we are apartment hunting!!!! woot! while we're down here, we're going to check out tyson's school and check out some possible salons for me to work in.
I decided that i am going to try and start doing this more....i have many random thoughts that go through my mind.. and.. i my as well get them down and let others into my mind haha
i shall report our findings at a later date! I'm getting married in 43 days to the man of my dreams! wowowow