Sunday, July 27, 2008

Tyson and I are getting married in less than three weeks!!! It is flying by. I am so so excited, sometimes i start to feel a bit overwhelmed because every time i check something off on my list, it just means that i have to add another things onto it.. haha! but, i suppose that is life:) And i am enjoying every minute of this preparation! 
We are so so excited for family to get here!! I think that is what is most exciting, having both of our families together at once! we get to meet our new baby niece also. 
I had a bridal shower yesterday that my mom threw for me, it was nice:) I got some cute things! Anyways, today dad is taking us out on the boat before he sells it tomorrow!! :)
thats all i have to report for now! love you! ( pro, because i think you are the only one that ever reads these haha)

1 comment:

Pro said...

And i alays do read them!!! :) I'm so excited - can't wait to see you. I'm glad all the preparations are going well. Wish I could have been there for the shower!