Wednesday, December 31, 2008

here we go again...

and im going to try and do this more frequently... have you heard this before? ha
lame i know..
im feeling a lack of art in my life.. and that is frustrating... i feel kind of stuck.. or bored?... im going to be doing a photo every other day project with milo and my dear sisters rachel and pro.. ... i am hoping this sparks some flames in my mind for artsy things..

i took this picture the other day down town.. i love doors... a lot.. haha
we are lonely down here in florida... miss our familys a lot :(


Pro said...

Oh!!! :( Beth - we miss you too! Can't wait to come down there and see you!

I love your picture :) Awesome blue door! How are you liking that new camera???

Tea Time With Mrs G said...

i love love love it!!! I am having fun experimenting and learning about it!