Monday, April 13, 2009

I miss friends.. i feel like my girl friends are so far and few between... its such a lonely feeling! 

BUT what this post is really about- is about my quiet times this morning- I'm doing a study with rachel, and we started it today- I am already feeling blessed by this.

"Father please help this study to stretch and grow my understanding of who you are! Please let my heart be sensitive to you and teach me how to love others like you do!"

1Samuel 14:4-6 "Perhaps the Lord will act on our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few." (umm, not writing down the context around this..)
Jonathon had such faith that the Lord would do what He needed to do to be glorified. I love this! He knew that if the Lord acted on their behalf then He would be getting the glory- but if he didn't, it was still in his plan, it wasn't whether or not he could save them. 

This blesses me:) 

"Lord, thank you for going ahead of me in the battles, Thank you for protecting me  and giving me the armor to be protected from the devils schemes. Guard my heart and mind and help me to dwell on you."


Ray said...

Hey Beffy, I'm so glad that your first day of the devotional went well. I know this is going to be a great book to work through. I couldn't have picked a better person to do it with. I love you very much!

Pro said...

I love this idea - what book are you guys doing?

I love you Beth! I miss you more than you can know...


Tea Time With Mrs G said...

umm we are doing "A Heart like His," by beth moore :)