Friday, April 24, 2009

i miss music so much. something that burns so deep inside me. but. i have no way of letting it out! ahhh!! i need help. i need a banjo teacher. haha. its been a long time since ive written songs. WHY!? im ridiculous..

reading today about the Lord's faithfulness. this study is studying the Lord's hearth through DAVID. He truly was a man after God's own heart... man... its so awesome and encouraging to read these troubles that this man goes through, and to see that God is always reassuring him that he is with Him. 

Thank you Lord for always being faithful! Even if we can't see the reasons now, you have a plan! So comforting to know you area in control- and not me !!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

yesterday i re-did the photo session with krista- i got some really cute shots :)
THANKS TO MILO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a lot of them turned out good- and i felt like iknew how to work with my camera better.
i am experimenting with photoshop- theres a stinkin LOT to learn.... but.. i've been youtubing tutorials.. and.. that seems to be helping a bit.. its still quite overwhelming though..
in time.. in time..

reading about the covenant between Johnathon and DAvid- its quite amazing- i love that The lord searched me out and loved me first.. how special :) I love that he loved me before i loved him. and that he's filled with PATIENCE and so much GRACE- while i continually learn how to love HIM better.. 

Tyson and i went to a new church yesterday- i like it... the people were SO welcoming. worship was ok, but the teaching was really good.. i feel like we can grow here.. its not as big as the one we have been attending and i like that too. maybe we can make good friends here!!!!
i need deeper relationships... or.. just ANY would be good :) haha.. i am so blessed to have tyson, and i can't imagine life without him, i am just looking forward to when we have a good core group of friends.. that we can both enjoy :) haha
why o why can't we live closer to our family ... then all those problems would be answered! haha
ok.. enough rambling.. love from the dirty south

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Romans 8:38-39
"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow- not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below- indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. "

mmm i could read this verse ALLL day long!!

This reminds me of the love my mom has for me... nothing i could ever do would make her love me less:) AND if my mom loves me this much- think of how much the LORD loves me- wowow haha i can't imagine. 
so comforting, so wonderful- 
" Thank you thank you Lord, for loving me despite everything else:) thank you for your word, and the daily reassurance of how precious we are to you- thank you for stretching me and teaching me new things. Please help me to show love for others around me, let everyone i come in contact with know your love." :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

..If i spent half as much time worrying about my heart as i do about my physical body.. haha.. then i would have a heart like the Lords already....:)

I LOVE this verse- 
2 Chronicles 16:9
"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him."

"Father please find my heart loyal to you, i pray that your spirit will be powerfully upon me, help me find ways to minister to my co-workers, help me find purpose in my job. bless my work. Bless my husband. Help me to become a better prayer warrior on his behalf :) Thank you for everything you did on the cross for me!- i won't forget your sacrifices and love-"

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

obedience... dun dun dun...

this was such a humbling study today..
I was thinking about.. the first time that i clearly heard the Lords voice....ever..... was when i was being disobedient.... how embarrassing is that...but.. this verse gives me hope:) haha.. The Lord knows that we can change

I love love this verse
Jonah 4:2b
"I knew that you were a merciful and compassionate God, Slow to get angry and full of unfailing love.You are eager to turn back from destroying people." 

In the context.. jonah is being.. a baby... but.. the truth of that verse is just wonderful!

"Thank you God! Thank you for having mercy on me. Thank you for your compassion and patience. thank you for loving me with an unfailing love!"

Monday, April 13, 2009

I miss friends.. i feel like my girl friends are so far and few between... its such a lonely feeling! 

BUT what this post is really about- is about my quiet times this morning- I'm doing a study with rachel, and we started it today- I am already feeling blessed by this.

"Father please help this study to stretch and grow my understanding of who you are! Please let my heart be sensitive to you and teach me how to love others like you do!"

1Samuel 14:4-6 "Perhaps the Lord will act on our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few." (umm, not writing down the context around this..)
Jonathon had such faith that the Lord would do what He needed to do to be glorified. I love this! He knew that if the Lord acted on their behalf then He would be getting the glory- but if he didn't, it was still in his plan, it wasn't whether or not he could save them. 

This blesses me:) 

"Lord, thank you for going ahead of me in the battles, Thank you for protecting me  and giving me the armor to be protected from the devils schemes. Guard my heart and mind and help me to dwell on you."