Tuesday, April 14, 2009

obedience... dun dun dun...

this was such a humbling study today..
I was thinking about.. the first time that i clearly heard the Lords voice....ever..... was when i was being disobedient.... how embarrassing is that...but.. this verse gives me hope:) haha.. The Lord knows that we can change

I love love this verse
Jonah 4:2b
"I knew that you were a merciful and compassionate God, Slow to get angry and full of unfailing love.You are eager to turn back from destroying people." 

In the context.. jonah is being.. a baby... but.. the truth of that verse is just wonderful!

"Thank you God! Thank you for having mercy on me. Thank you for your compassion and patience. thank you for loving me with an unfailing love!"

1 comment:

Ray said...

Thank you Lord for His unfailing love and compassion for us.